S.S. 10 Ch 1: Geography of Canada What is Geography? See page 6.. Chapter 1-1 Learning Outcomes: Today we will learn about the five organizing themes of Geography Draw out figure 1-2 into your notebook... Neatly!!! Read Quietly Pages 6-13- Do not have your music on while you are reading.... As you read take notes on your diagram, explaining each of the categories...  Video-The Components of Place.. Add info to your 1-2 Diagram while watching video...   Assignment: __1. Choose a place anywhere: and categorize it based on the five themes..List at least two points for each topic.... __2.Define Sustainable (Pg. 9) __3. What are the three types of Geograpic regions(Pg. 11) Give Examples.. __4. What is cultural landscape?   __5. Figure 1-7- Answer all questions. __6. Pg. 12- Who invented the term "global village"? How has this come true? Look at Fig 1-9- Answer Question Review Last Day 1-2- The Physical Regions of Canada Complete Physical Settings Map  and all related questions on back of sheet... 1-2 Physical Regions Continued. Jigsaw... 1.Each person will be assigned a number 1-6. ---- 2.You will then join your group.. Each group member will then join their expert group and complete assignment on their Region.. 3.When finished you will return and provide information to your original Group. Assignment: Together Collect Data on Your Region: 1. Name/ Small Illustration 2.Place-Physical/Cultural Chara. 3.Location- Absolute(Find 2 important  towns (Lat/Long)/ and Relative Location 4.Region- Sub-Regions in Area 5. Interaction- How have humans changed the land?How does the environment affect residents? 6. Movement- How does this region interact(People,Ideas,Objects..) Summarize your main  points for each topic and take those back to your original group In Your original group fill out L.M.1-2 Neatly  with the information gathered by each member of your group... If absent you must complete on your own... One copy will be collected next day as an example of your groups work.. 1-3. Climates of Canada Learning Outcome: Today you will be learning about 5 climate controls and how they affect weather patterns. You will also learn about climate graphs. Read Quietly Pg. 25,26,27,28 Text: Assigment Part 1: 1. Write out the five Conditons that affect temperature...Bottom of Page25 2. I will number you off 1-5.. You will  draw a brief illustration and explain your factor to your group.. Text Assignment Part 2... In your group answer these questions.... __1. Use Fig 1-31- a. How many climate regions does Canada have? b. Which one is Abbotsford in? c. What cities do you think have climates most similar to Abbotsford? d. How does distance from the ocean affect your temperatures?  e. Answer questions at the end of 1-31 Individual Act Part 3.... Act. Sheet 3-6  Criteria: __1. Read/Follow all instructions __2. Colour neatly bar graphs __3. Use a ruler to neatly make Climographs __4. Answer all questions assigned.   1-4 Canada's Natural Regions and Cultural Landscapes What is a natural region? a. Where people are natural. b. Where rocks and land are the same. c. Where the plants and animals are the same. d.  Where the land has not been disturbed... Learning Outcome: Today you will be identifying and describing  learning  the Natural Regions or Biomes. 1.Using 1.3 Activity Sheet L.M 1-3 Label and Colour the Natural Regions from 1-35 in Your text book.. 2.Use the info on page 30 to add descriptors on L.M.1-4.Use both word and illustrations... 3.Answer Question #1-Page 32 on the back of your map.. Map Criteria: All regions identified correctly All regions coloured with a legend All regions illustrated,descriptions L.M.1.4 1-5 Cultural Landscapes Learning Outcomes- Today you will learn about the functions of a settlement and how they are influenced by culture.. Functions of a town 1. Use your town from the activity at the beginning of the chapter for this activity 2. With the attribute chart write out all the functions from page 34. 3.  List examples 2 or 3 for each  function... Culture Influence of Functions-- 4. Now add cultural influences on the functions... For example in Victoria--- Government buildings were influenced by British Cultural Influences..... Text Assignment: 1. Read 34-38 2.  Define  terms page 35. 3. Activities Page 38 - #3 a-c 4. Explain the difference between natural boundaries and political boundaries.